Market Update on Bio-based Building Blocks and Polymers: Global Capacities, Production and Trends 2023-2028 (05 May 2024)
In this webinar Pia Skoczinski from nova-Institute will give you deep and comprehensive insight into the dynamically growing market of bio-based building blocks and polymers.
The PEFerence consortium aims to replace a significant share of fossil-based polyesters, such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and packaging materials like glass and metal with 100 % bio-based furanics polyesters. PEFerence establishes a unique, industrial scale, cost-effective flagship plant to convert plant-based sugars into FDCA (furandicarboxylic acid), the building block of PEF (polyethylene furanoate): a plant-based, fully recyclable plastic material with superior performance and significantly reduced carbon footprint compared to conventional plastics. PEF can be used in a wide range of applications such as bottles, packaging, films, fibres and textiles.